
Causes of Ball of Foot Pain

Causes of Ball of Foot Pain

For the most part it is easy to take action when you have minor aches and pains. A pain reliever can ease a headache, icing can soothe inflamed muscles after activity, and rest does a body good when recuperating from a strenuous day. When pain arises in your foot, and...

Bike Riding and Foot Pain

Bike Riding and Foot Pain

Lance Armstrong’s fall from grace not only shed light on doping in the sport of cycling, but it also served as a reminder that racing can be grueling for those who ride clean. While cycling places less impact on the feet than running, there can still be pain...

What Can Your Shoes do to Your Feet?

What Can Your Shoes do to Your Feet?

Your shoes are directly related to the health of your feet and ankles. Shoes are designed to protect the health of your feet, but adding comfort and support will help give you the best performance. However, wearing the wrong shoe or ones that don’t fit, can lead to...

Are You Fighting Gout This Summer?

Are You Fighting Gout This Summer?

If you have gout, you may have experienced its stealthy abilities as it can sneak up on you in the middle of the night causing sudden and often severe pain in your big toe. Gout is a form of arthritis. It occurs when uric acid builds up resulting in needle-like...

Did You Break or Sprain Your Foot

Did You Break or Sprain Your Foot

There are multiple occasions where patients come into the office not knowing if they have either sprained or broke a bone in their foot. Don’t worry; there is a good reason for this. The two conditions show very similar symptoms and are often confused with each other....

Recovery from Extensor Tendinitis

Recovery from Extensor Tendinitis

Have you ever worked on something that didn’t turn out well? Sometimes failures come when we don’t take the time to do things right the first time. A finished product may not be up to standards if the full effort wasn’t put in from the start.A foot injury can fall...

Fracture Vs. Extensor Tendinitis: Top of Foot Pain

Fracture Vs. Extensor Tendinitis: Top of Foot Pain

Halloween is typically all about ghosts, goblins, costumes and trick or treating, but for some in New Haven, CT it is all about music! On October 31st, 2013 at midnight was the very popular annual Halloween Show put on by the Yale Symphony Orchestra. One of the...

Does it Feel Like You are Constantly on a Marble?

Does it Feel Like You are Constantly on a Marble?

Have you ever had a feeling that you were walking on a marble or bunched-up sock? When you think about it, your feet experience various exhausting tasks every day. If you love to wear high heels or are part of a sports team, your feet are constantly under pressure....

Extensor Tendonitis – Pain on the Top of the Foot

Extensor Tendonitis – Pain on the Top of the Foot

Have you ever considered all that goes into the movement of your feet? If your feet have been healthy, the answer may be no. However, if you have experienced pain on the top of your foot, you’ve probably realized that moving your feet requires a chain reaction that...