woman having barefoot pain during sitting on couch at home. Foot

Patel Podiatry

Intoeing and Out-Toeing

In-toeing, commonly known as being “pigeon-toed,” is a relatively common gait issue seen in young children where their toes point inward as they walk. Although it typically isn’t harmful and often corrects itself with time, it’s important to monitor your child’s walking pattern to ensure they don’t experience frequent tripping, falls, or discomfort.

Several underlying conditions can cause in-toeing, including metatarsus adductus, tibial torsion, and femoral anteversion. Metatarsus adductus is a curve in the middle of the foot that can range from flexible to rigid deformities. Tibial torsion occurs when there is a natural twist in the lower leg bones, causing the feet to turn inward. 


Growing Out of Gait Problems

Any child with in-toeing should have their growth monitored by a children’s foot care specialist like Dr. Sanjay Patel. Our team will examine your little one’s feet to ensure no developmental issues are contributing to the problem, and that your child isn’t experiencing discomfort or pain. In most cases, in-toeing improves naturally as children grow, but we’ll keep a close watch to ensure healthy progress.

Some conditions may benefit from braces or special shoes, and in rare cases where the issue persists or worsens, surgery may be considered as a last resort. Our goal is always to support your child’s development with the least invasive treatments possible.

Out-Toeing in Children

As any parent is bound to know, a child’s first steps are never perfect. They wobble, they weave, and they ultimately fall over before starting to get the hang of things. Once children get moving at a steadier clip, that walk may still not look exactly as one expects. Several different gait abnormalities may develop, but we will concentrate on the feet turning outward, or out-toeing.

Turned-Out Toddling

Out-toeing is a common experience as children take their first steps. The most common cause of out-toeing in children is a small twist in their leg bones. If the tibia rotates outward, the child’s toes will follow suit. Once a child starts to move more confidently, the condition will often correct itself as their bones continue to develop. There are options including surgery, custom orthotics, and braces for kids whose gait stays abnormal, but a majority will grow out of this phase without treatment.

What to Do if Your Child is Out-Toeing

In the case of a rotated tibia (tibial torsion), a child’s bones will usually self-correct by the age of 4. If you discover that your child is out-toeing, the best practice is to see an expert for a check-up. A doctor can check periodically for development and to see if the condition persists. If out-toeing persists after 3-4 years of age or your child has a gait that causes them pain, it’s crucial to get a closer look at the problem.

Contact Us

If you have concerns about your child’s in-toeing or out-toeing, you aren’t alone. Our team at Family Foot Care & Surgery would rather cover all the bases and catch any potential problems than let them develop into something worse. Call our Milford office at 203-876-7736 or our Hamden office at 203-288-4055 or fill out our contact form and we would be happy to help!